Working From Home
I live with my brother and we started to work from home because of the pandemic.
My brother has his own office space, and I have a desk in my room.
Let’s say it was tough at the beginning. Not because we didn’t get along, but because we were adjusting to our work space.
We both felt antsy. I knew it was a problem when my brother’s girlfriend said for the first time that he had a ‘glazed’ look from staring at a computer screen too long.
On my end, I felt restless after extended periods of time in the same place. Working and sleeping in the room felt gross. I felt trapped and I felt isolated, even if I had the privilege of working a full day.
It’s been a lot different than my usual office space with colleagues.
Despite these challenges, I am reminded that leaders make the most out of every opportunity and adapt to circumstances.
Are you working from home? Here are some strategies to help make the most out of this situation. For those that can still work, let’s be thankful, for not everyone is able to at this time.
Walk to Work
A friend suggested walking around the block before the work day. I wake up earlier so I can go for a nice half hour walk, listening to music, hearing the birds chirp, and getting some fresh air. It gives me space to enter into my workday.
Move Around
I am an active person and I cannot be in one place too long. I’ve moved around my house, working in my room, living room, and outside on the porch. The variability keeps me from feeling stagnate.
Beautify Work Space
Another colleague recommended getting plants for my workspace. So I bought a ZZ plant and my mom gave me a few succulents to make my office desk more inviting. I also make sure to have a clean space so that I am more attracted to my work area.
Manage Expectations
We have to agree that this is a weird time. My supervisor encouraged me to acknowledge this change. It has been hard and we can expect lower productivity, so we need to be aware of our expectations. Are we putting too much pressure on ourselves, acting as if everything is normal?
Schedule Good Things
As I wind down in the evening, I take a brief look at my upcoming day. I make a schedule, which I may not follow to the letter, but plan anyhow. I try and see where I can fit an online Catholic mass, or call a friend, or do a workout. Giving ourselves some sort of schedule can give us structure and some activity to look forward to.
Start a Hobby
The things we do outside our work time are just as important as what we do during it. To give ourselves energy and joy, I think it is important to do what we love. I started painting again. When I finish my work day, I have a creative project to do in the evening.
It’s a change for us, if we have lost work, or if we are working from home. This presents certain challenges. As leaders we can take hold of the situation and adapt. Personal growth can take place, and we can bring out the best with what we’re given.