The Light Shines in the Darkness
We got married during the pandemic and trucker convoy. We share about our preparation and wedding day experience!
We got married during the pandemic and trucker convoy. We share about our preparation and wedding day experience!
Leadership is about growth. We are a work in progress. We never fully arrive at developing our character. One way we can be intentional with our development would be to construct a personal growth plan.
In every area of life, the law of growth is at stake. This means that life is geared towards growing. Yes, this law does have its limitations: growth itself has an expansion, peak, and eventual decline. Yet this law protects nature from falling into an abyss of greater misery and sorrow. There is more to growth, more to life.
I reflected on three key pieces of wisdom from my thirtieth year. Here they are.
What can we do today that will help our future selves tomorrow?
I read a fantastic book called Searching For and Maintaining Peace. I was motivated to write about peace and my reflections from that came from it.
Even during the present holiday cheer we can find ourselves troubled. It could be from pain that comes from losing a loved one, family dynamics that are really trying and tough, or the current pandemic. I do not have to go lengths at writing about this and would not like to depress you. For we already know what the world is capable of—sadness, despair, and a valley of tears. This piece is meant to uplift you, for it is in sadness that there we find our joy, quoting a poem from Khalil Jibran.
I completed my first and last term with a Catholic ministry as a team leader. I was asked to write about my experiences and what I learned through this new position. I offer this letter as an encouragement to all who partake in a management role, overseeing the development of their staff.
An interior life is vitally integral to the work we are entrusted with.
We don’t have to solve all things all at once.