The Hidden Apostolate
An interior life is vitally integral to the work we are entrusted with.
An interior life is vitally integral to the work we are entrusted with.
We don’t have to solve all things all at once.
If limits lead to freedom, then we have reached a new level of personal leadership.
A recent approach to leadership is quality over quantity.
My last sabbatical reflection takes us into the theme of power in weakness. I learned from my first years on CCO staff that God equips the called. We are not capable to carry out God’s work on our own human weakness; it is only by God’s goodness and grace that we are able to do anything. God uses the little we are and turns it into something great. Humility and greatness go hand in hand. It’s something I’ve aspired to live out. God has a great calling for our lives. He will provide the way through it all!
This sabbatical reflection revolves around the Third Person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit. The main theme is that God empowers us through His Spirit. He calls us to a particular work, and in the process, we receive an abundance of grace. The Spirit’s fruitfulness is desirably attractive. He gives us so much life, energy, and vitality. In this reflection, I share several stories where I saw the Spirit work. Galatians 5 speaks to this theme, one of my favourite passages from CCO’s second level faith study titled Source.
Every great calling has its challenges. We will have to overcome our obstacles of fear. It is common, especially those called to ministry. It comes from our insecurities, other people and events, or even the enemy of our soul. I’ve felt the fear of rejection, fear of what others may think of me, and the fear that God will not provide, to name a few. This third sabbatical reflection revolves around Isaiah 43: God exhorts us to have trust despite our fears. God gave me ample amount of times to pray with this passage and put it into practice. It reminds me to have faith in God because love always wins.
My second sabbatical reflection centers on the Cross. A key scripture passage that personally links to this theme comes from Matthew 11. This verse appeared throughout many prayer times during tough seasons. I suffered many trials, and I learned that the Cross carried me through those challenging moments. The Cross will inevitably find us, we who love Christ. Do not be afraid though, God will never allow us to suffer more than we can handle. When we suffer, we can surrender in a powerful way. This is part of our calling, but it is not the end.
In my first sabbatical reflection, I have decided to reflect on a theme that has been very central in my life these past few years: waiting for the Lord. Prayer prepares the way for us to receive our calling. It was during a time of waiting that the Lord first called me to missionary work. I waited on God to reveal His plan for my life, and He provided.
Leadership is about being more.