Language Is Only A Tool
Speaking the correct words is not the only factor in communication, and more often than you might think, it’s not even the most important one.
Articles which help us grow in our relationship with God.
Speaking the correct words is not the only factor in communication, and more often than you might think, it’s not even the most important one.
Take the time now to ensure there’s time for what matters this fall.
When we belong to God, nothing can truly hurt us.
In nature, we have an opportunity to reflect on God’s beauty.
Parenthood is one of the best ways to learn how to be human because you help build a human being from the ground up.
I made a goal to change the car tires in the fall and I was successful.
Even the little and seemingly insignificant things matter in the eyes of God.
The hunger we feel is ultimately a hunger for God.
In all circumstances, God is truly at work.
When we feel shame, it is important to share it with someone.